Starting price is $1500 depending on travel and possible lens rentals.
Yes, I am willing to travel to wherever the wedding is located. No travel charge under 50 mile radius of the Des Moines, IA area. Anything over that will have a travel cost of $.50 per mile. There may be a $200 overnight fee depending on the location.
When you hire me, you will be receiving “getting ready” shots, family, bridemaids/groomsmen pictures, ceremony, husband and wife portraits, and 2 hours worth of the reception.
As of the moment, I use the platform Pixiset. I send you a link and a code to download the pictures at your pace. This site allows you to view and pick out which ones you want. Once I send you the link, you can print them off wherever you want.
I try very hard to get the clients a sneak peek in the first week or two. I normally send out about 10-20 pictures. When it comes to the whole wedding, it may take up to one or two months.